martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

Marijuana Legalization

For the last years a lot of countries had debated about the convenience of the marijuana’s legalization, the last place to decide was California, US, where people voted NO, but in countries like Netherland people said YES. This controversial matter has divided people in two groups, one of them says that marijuana’s legalization is a “crazy” idea because they think it could cause more corruption; and, the security will decrease with the approval; however, the other group thinks this approval could be the best resolution to avoid the abused use of this drug, decrease narcotrafic business, and it provides better treatments in the medical area; therefore, the marijuana’s legalization has more benefits than disadvantages.

Some people say that narcotrafic will be similar whether the marijuana will be legalized or not, they explain that the providers will be the same, what tells us that narcotrafic will be always present; however, they are wrong because if marijuana is legalized governments have to regulate this activity, they must control the marijuana’s distribution around the country, so people will not want to buy illegal marijuana if they can buy it in the legal way; it could cause prices on illegal marijuana decrease and this activity will left to be rentable for narcotrafic. This model was implemented in Netherland since many years and marijuana’s narcotrafic disappears in this country (Ministerie VWS).

The marijuana has become very successful in the medicine field because of its therapeutic advantages above other drugs. It is actually one of least toxic drugs available, which can safely be combined with any mediation and has a wide range of application healing. Following a referendum in California on November 8, 1996, proposition 215 was adopted authorizing physicians to prescribe marijuana, as well as nurses, responsible for a number of patients, to cultivate this plant by strict therapeutic purposes only. It’s into a force at the federal level is pending approval by the U.S. Congress, according to the Article: “Usos medicinales del Cannabis”. People that denied the legalization of this healing drug, are “running over” all the people with diseases such as: Glaucoma, Asthma, Epilepsy, anorexia, depression and different types of synchronous pain; because all of them use this drug for healing purposes such as: pressure overrides, preventing nausea, stimulation of appetite, it helps invigorates the patient, as a relaxant, plus, for the mitigation of Childbirth, menstruation and chemotherapy pain.

In “Marijuana’s legalization issue”, an important benefit for modern cultures and societies, it’s the huge amounts of dollars that governments invest every year to avoid the consume and also the distribution and business around marijuana, after the possibility to the legalization, for sure the governments will save these resources, so they can invest in social problematic and increase the quality of social life style. As a result, they also can implement to avoid the temptation to look for the prohibit customs that teenagers and childhood usually use to practice nowadays, this temptation to practice and try what all society hide for them, what is bad, what they want to know and their parents avoid to them; without any doubt with the legalization the “taboo” about the looking for the prohibit things is solved, and the marijuana will appear like something normal like cigarettes and a bottle of alcohol; of course they are all vicious, that are never recommended.

Finally, it’s known that drugs are not good whichever the kind could be, bus also we all have to accept that marijuana is now part of our society, accept that no matter if the person who smokes marijuana is 15, 20, 25 or 35 years old, everybody is susceptible to get the vicious and be consumed by the marijuana; that’s why its legalization is necessary and should be done as soon as possible because it’s not just the best way to combat the marijuana, maybe it’s the only one way to avoid it!

Work cited

Tweede Kamer, Ministerie VWS, “El mantenimiento de la Ley del Opio / El cultivo de marihuana holandesa”, 1995, taken the 11-24-2010 from

Joe Messerli, Balanced Politics, “Should marijuana be legalized under any circumstances?”, 4-20-2010 taken the 11-25-2010 from

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Blind Side

When we are born, we cannot choose our family. In some cases we can be born in a family with a lot of money and amenities, but sometimes we can be born in a poor family, which has a lot of economical problems and little amenities. In any case, in our life we must have education, job, survival and overcoming chances and whatever the family where we are born, anybody has abilities and quality to develop in his/her life. Some of these people have the same or similar features, but in most of the cases economical social class does influence the aspects on each person.

One of different feature is the education, because poor people cannot choose the school of their children, so they have to study in the best case at public school, but sometimes poor children cannot study because they have not money to go to school and these children have to work. On the other hand, families with money can choose the best school for their children; these children can learn several languages, technical knowledge and other, so the education quality is better than public school.

Talking about jobs, a lot of people think that a good job is the best way to increase the personal growing, especially after have a difficult childhood or adolescence. People who live in a problematic and poor society, like Michael’s at the beginning of his life, have to choose to look for a honest work, or to start selling drugs and be in the police’s eye all the time; is in that the time when they all need a hand to avoid the worse thinks, like fall in drugs, that’s why a job helps.

In order to trying to survive, if we walk the line, step by step we can find the self-improvement, that because after you take the decision to choose the correct way, perhaps then you think ideas to study, to practice a sport, to go to the gym and maybe start thinking in a better job opportunity with the experience and skills you have acquired. It’s important to mention that personal growing is not exactly to be rich and a highly studied person, personal growing for some people is to get away of vicious and forget corrupt life.

In conclusion, poverty and rich people are not so different; they both have the capacity to become a very educated and polity people, the different is the opportunities that rich people have over the poor people to really succeed in this world, because nowadays it doesn´t matter if you are intelligent, what matters it´s you are rich or poor.

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Before cold war started, people just knew about nuclear weapons when they refer to weapons of mass destruction (WMD). After this war, people could link nuclear and chemical dangers with WMD. Nowadays people associate nuclear, chemical, and biological dangers with these words since the anthrax attacks in 2001 (Weapons of mass destruction, Wikipedia).

Weapons of mass destruction are increasing since II world war when USA used two nuclear weapons against Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, but the greatest proliferation of WMD, which “can kill and bring significant harm to a large numbers of humans (and other life forms) and/or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere in general” (Weapons of mass destruction, Wikipedia), was not until 1990’s because some states and terrorist groups developed several WMD as David P. Fidler, who works in American Society of International Law, wrote. Countries suggest increase more WMD to confront terrorist weapons, so “this development suggests that the need for international law in connection with the WMD threat may be higher now than in previous historical period” (David P. Fidler). Unless this happen, the world will fight without control, and most of people can die or countries, where we live, can be destroyed.

Work Cited
David P. Fidler. American Society of International Law. “Weapons of Mass Destruction and International Law”. February, 2003. Taken the 09/11/10 from

Wikipedia. “Weapon of mass destruction”. Taken the 09/11/10 from