Nowadays, domestic violence is one of the big problems of our society, and this problem affects all kinds of people and social classes.
Some international organizations expressed their concern about this issue; because, this problem violates the international agreements on human rights; in addition, the Population Reference Bureau webpage wrote “Domestic violence is increasingly recognized as a critical public health problem by organizations like the Pan American Health Organization and the Inter-American Commission of Women of the Organization of American States and as a serious violation of basic human rights under international treaties”.
Most of countries in Latin America, included Costa Rica, have done more laws against domestic violence; nevertheless, some surveys in these countries “Indicate that an estimated 10 percent to 50 percent of women report being physically assaulted by their male partner” (Population Reference Bureau).
This trouble increases when the victim does not tell anything about her/his situation, then anybody knows the problem, and the police cannot do anything, so the violence cycle continues.
In conclusion, in recent years domestic violence has been increasing and nowadays it is a “critical public health problem”, although Costa Rica and other countries have increased laws and punishments, these measures are not enough, so governments have to create best polices to stop this trend to violence.
Works Cited“Domestic Violence and Abuse”. HelpGuide.org. Sep. 15, 10.
http://helpguide.org/mental/domestic_violence_abuse_types_signs_causes_effects.htm“Domestic Violence: An Ongoing Threat to Women in Latin America and the Caribbean”. Population Reference Bureau. Article by Liz Creel with special reporting by Sara Lovera and Miriam Ruiz. Sep. 15, 10.