jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Global Warming

Nowadays most of people know and understand the global warming, but nobody do anything to fix it. In the last years the effects of this problem have increased, yet goverments around the world have wanted to stop it because developed countries promised $4000 million to combat global warming as La Nación wrote in the article “Calentamiento global afectará directamente a Costa Rica“; even though they have invested that money in reforestation, renewave energy and biofuels, these measures are not enough. I think that is very difficult to get the goal to reduce global warming 2 Celsius by 2020; moreover, according to Ronald van der A, who is a senior project scientist at the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute in the Netherlands, in the article “The Ozono Hole Has Decreased by 30%”, the hole in the ozone layer is decreasing over previous years. This is a great report because it is the requiered force to continue with the fight again the global warming.

Works Cited
Alejandra Vargas y Pablo Fonseca, “Calentamiento Global afectará directamente a Costa Rica”, http://wvw.nacion.com/ln_ee/2007/noviembre/27/aldea1330867.html, 2007, November 27.

Sten Anitei, “Ozone Hole Has Decreased by 30%”, http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ozone-Hole-Has-Decreased-by-30-67580.shtml, 2007, October 4th.

1 comentario:

  1. People should start paying attention to this before its too late ..
    Remember we all live on an island we can not leave.
    We all lose!!
