In these days, there are three most common viruses in the world. The first one is the AIDS/HIV; which infected around 33. 4 million people (approximate 9% are children) in 2008 (UNAIDS) this kind of virus is transmitted by sexual contact and b

lood transfusions; it does not exist any cure. Second one is the West Nile Virus, is newer but not less dangerous than AIDS; because since 1999 it has taken over 500 deaths in the Caribbean, North, and Central America (NBII). One of the advantages of this disease is that is that the only way to be transmitted is by a mosquito bite, so it is easier to control. The last one is the swineflu, which is the newest pandemic; we had more than 718 confirmed cases that had been blamed for 27 deaths in 2009 (CNN). It starts with a common cold, which is converting in a stronger flu producing death; the most known case was president Oscar Arias. In conclusion, the mentioned diseases are so harmful because they caused a lot of death could be avoided with prevention.
Works Cited1. World Health Organization (UNAIDS). “Global Facts and Figures”. 2009
2. NBII. “West Nile Virus”. Taken from
http//west nilevirus.nbii.gov/02/06/2006.
3. CNN.com/world. “Costa Rica president sick with swine flu”. August 12, 2009. Taken
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