lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Disadvantages of Immigration

Immigrants cause several disadvantages on countries where they arrived. One of them is greater poverty because immigrants’ income is usually lower than natives; therefore, more vulnerable to be affected by downturns in the economy (newbatch). This information is reflected in immigrants’ children poverty rates, which have increased between 1970 and 2000 in 10%, and poor children of native just increased 0.6% (Poverty Grows Among Children of Immigrants in US). Many immigrants cannot study because of education cost, so they receive low education than native, same happen with the health, that in many cases is impossible to pay social security packages. Because of the information above it is desirable to reduce as much as possible the number of immigrants to arrive from foreign countries.

Works cited
1. Van Hook, Jennifer. Poverty Grows Among Children of Immigrants in US. December, 2003. Retrieved on October, 10, 2010. From

2. Immigration Policy Issues. May, 2010. Retrived on October, 10, 2010. From

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